"To break up a friendship" or "to break up a marriage" means to end it, to ruin it. 破坏友谊或者破坏婚姻意思是结束它,毁灭它。
While the desirability of a "clean break" underlies UK divorce law, this is not the case in Irish law, he states, and the divorce act "failed to acknowledge that divorce is a point of final closure of an irretrievable marriage". 对“清楚分离”的愿望源自英国离婚法,但爱尔兰法律不一样,他说,《离婚法案》未能承认,离婚的时候是一桩无法挽救婚姻终结的时候。
Expectations can either make or break a marriage. 对婚姻的期望可以促成婚姻也可以毁掉婚姻。